CSS Class Names: Understanding Case Sensitivity and Flexibility

CSS Class Names: Understanding Case Sensitivity and Flexibility

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CSS Class Names: Understanding Case Sensitivity and Flexibility
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language that determines the appearance of web pages. By assigning properties to HTML tags, you can control the appearance of web pages with CSS. In this article, we will examine whether CSS class names are case sensitive and why they are so. Specifically, we will examine the advantages of CSS class names not being case sensitive and the flexibility provided by this feature. This article will contain important information for those interested in web design and development.

CSS class names are not case-sensitive. This is specified in the CSS specifications. Therefore, class names like "header" and "Header" should not be considered as two different things. Additionally, some programming languages are case-sensitive and thus some code writers write class names in uppercase while some use lowercase. The fact that CSS is not case-sensitive allows for compatibility with different writing styles.

In conclusion, the fact that CSS class names are not case-sensitive provides a more flexible structure for users when editing and maintaining HTML and CSS files and allows for compatibility with different coding styles.

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